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The generosity of people in our community in supporting Rainbows.

2016 GLOW run/walk

It always amazes me to see the generosity of people in our community come together to support Rainbows. Over 500 people participated in the GLOW event to show their support of children with special needs.

“Emma is going to grow up to be somebody very important. She’s going to help other kids and families just like ours,” said Jamie, mother of two year old Emma.

These words resonated with me and others at the GLOW Run|Walk on Saturday, April 16. It always amazes me to see the generosity of people in our community come together to support Rainbows. Over 500 people participated in the GLOW event to show their support of children with special needs. Some were dressed in colorful tutu’s, bright socks, neon tights, crazy wigs and many wore glow items from head to toe! One participant even wore tennis shoes that glowed! Almost everyone wore a smile. Kids giggled as they played games and squealed with delight when they won prizes. Team members danced together to the beat of the music as the DJ pumped up the tunes. Parents smiled as they watched their children play and explore. People of all ages cheered on complete strangers as they crossed the finish line. The Rainbows GLOW Run|Walk is truly a community event. Thank you for your part in making the event successful and supporting children with special needs. – Written by Angela Kessler, Vice President of Development