Celebrating, honoring and uplifting a loved one or friend.

Asking for friends and loved ones to give to Rainbows in lieu of gifts is a wonderful way to honor a milestone birthday, anniversary or monumental achievement.
Please contact the Development Office at 316.267.KIDS, ext. 113 with the following details:
- Name of person to be celebrated
- Name and contact information of person coordinating plans
- Time, date and location of event
- Special requests for designation of funds
- Additional details or printed materials related to the event may be e-mailed to
Rainbows will provide the contact person with personalized tribute envelopes to be used for your event. A small letter size upright display may also be provided upon request with information regarding Rainbows United, Inc. and how tribute funds benefit children with special needs, or may feature more personal highlights of the person’s involvement with Rainbows.
A listing of the tribute will be posted on Rainbows’ website, along with the option for donors to make a gift online.
Tribute donors are published in Rainbows’ annual report donor list.