Samantha Ritchie

Samantha Ritchie is continuing the legacy of the Ritchie family’s tradition as a friend to Rainbows. “My family has been involved with Rainbows for a long time and my older sister volunteered at Rainbows when she was in high school,” said Sammie. Her great grandfather supported Rainbows in the early years and many family members, including her father Naaman Ritchie, have served on the Board of Directors.

A sophomore in high school, Sammie volunteers at Rainbows’ Kids’ Point one afternoon a week in a pre-Kindergarten classroom. “My mom told me she thought I would really enjoy it and would love working with the kids. Turns out I do!”

Sammie’s love for the children is reflected in their love for her. “I like Sammie so so so much,” said 3-year-old Sam. Lucy, age 4, said, “I like playing with Sammie.” Louie, age 4, agreed, “She is nice. Sammie is pretty. I like her.”

Sammie plays with the children and helps the teachers in many ways. “I have learned how the kids’ days go and how they are managed,” she said. “I have learned they are joyfully unpredictable. I love when I come in and the kids get excited and call me over. They all ask me to sit with them or play with them.”

Classroom 6 Lead Teacher Autumn Hutchison said, “The kids absolutely love Sammie. They always ask where she is or when she is coming in to play. The girls like to do her hair and the boys like to chase her outside on the playground. When Sammie is in the classroom none of the students want to play with the teachers. Sammie is their favorite.”

Outside of Rainbows, Sammie enjoys boxing, drawing and painting, and hanging out with friends. During the summers, she works at her dad’s business. “I would recommend volunteering at Rainbows,” she said. “The children are so sweet and full of energy.”
Thank you Samantha for being a Friend!