A day in the life of Rainbows United.

A Day at Rainbows Part 2

12:00 p.m. Lunch is served at Kids’ Point! Chef, Melissa Williamson, prepares delicious and nutritious meals that teach the children healthy eating habits.

1:00 p.m. The Camp Woodchuck Voices of the Rainbow choir visits Cox Communications. They perform for the staff and other friends by singing and dancing.

2:00 p.m. Longtime volunteer, Emily, spends time in Targeted Case Management helping file paperwork and fulfill other clerical needs. Through her experience of volunteering at Rainbows, Emily has decided to pursue a career in social work.

3:00 p.m. Kerri Dixon, Foster Care Social Worker, arrives at the Beck foster home for bi-weekly foster home visit. Kerri and the Becks review progress that each child placed in this home has made since the previous home visit. They discuss how the children’s visits with their biological parents are going as well as behaviors that occur after the visits. They discuss behavior management techniques that the foster parents are implementing and the effectiveness of these techniques.

4:00 p.m. Kids’ Point Classroom 6 heads outdoors for their playground time. Each classroom has a door that leads directly to a fenced playground area. There is plenty of room to run, play and learn in the outdoor classroom.

5:00 p.m. Rainbows’ Board of Directors Communications Committee comprised of various Wichita professionals meets to discuss and provide guidance for Rainbows’ social media and various other communication tools.