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Are you following Rainbows on social media?

A letter from the President

Social media is a part of our lives no matter how many times we give it up or get frustrated with it. It will surprise no one that I grew up without any exposure to social media but with the urging of our marketing and communication department I have signed up for most of the available options even though I am far from skilled on any of them.

So why should not-for-profits use social media – specifically Facebook?

Jeff Bullas who wrote “How Non Profits Can Use Social Media – Facebook Edition” shares:

Facebook is one of the largest social media sites on the web because:

  • More than 200 million people actively use it;
  • More than 100 million users log on at least once each day;
  • The average user has 120 friends on their page;
  • More than 4 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day; and
  • More than 6 million users become fans of Pages each day.

Rainbows has a great Facebook Page. You will always fi nd uplifting stories, pictures of children we serve, comments from families, staff profiles, news about special events, interesting articles and numerous ways to link back to our website to access helpful information.

Through social media, we make it easy to register for events, make donations, etc. Right now, we are promoting our GLOW Run | Walk. You can register yourself, start a team, and use the easy online team tools to win prizes all the while you will be helping children.

We need your help to encourage others to Like and Share Rainbows’ Facebook Page. The more we spread the word the more opportunities we have to help children and families.

Deb Voth, President