Get a sneak peek into Fashion Passion.

Capitol Federal Fashion Showroom


This year Fashion Passion will have a special addition thanks to Capitol Federal. The Capitol Federal Fashion Showroom will be next to the entrance at the Beech Activity Center. Inside the room you will find a red carpet photo booth, a preview of the live auction items, Purchase with a Purpose information, and an opportunity to be SPECStacular with VIP Fashion Passes.

Red Carpet Photo Booth – Take a picture with friends and capture an unforgettable evening.

Live Auction Items – View a full preview here.

Purchase with a Purpose – Get in touch with the reason that Fashion Passion exists, to help children with special needs. View a display about the children Rainbows serves. At the end of the night you will have the opportunity to donate a help Rainbows’ mission.

An Opportunity to be SPECStacular with VIP Fashion Passes – Visit the Opportunity to be SPECStacular table and enter to win six pairs of eyeglasses or sunglasses, a Louis Vuitton purse and Hereford House set with two bottles of wine, a decanter and three gift certificates.