Children’s Mental Health

Most of us who work with children, whether as a mental health professional, teacher, volunteer, etc., have worked with, or heard of that “one kid” who cannot control their anger, whines all the time, cannot sit still, runs around knocking things over.  Or maybe it is the one child who does not speak much, sits […]


By Kirk Seminoff  Associate Editor, Wichita Business Journal  You think you have had it tough working remotely during Covid-19? Think about the challenge of working with babies and toddlers who are developmentally delayed as part of Rainbows United’s early intervention program. Where before mid-March those educators were sitting on the floor, teaching and laughing with […]

Serving children with special needs for 48 years

On June 8, 2020, Rainbows United celebrated its 48th Birthday. We took time out during this challenging time to celebrate the history of Rainbows. As many of you may know, Rainbows was started in 1972 by Linda Weir Enegren a young Wichita State University graduate who had a passion for helping children with disabilities. Linda […]

Camp Woodchuck Re-Imagined

Madison Jacobs has been working as a Rainbows’ Direct Service Provider for a little over 2 years and has navigated the challenges of providing After-School Latchkey and Camp Woodchuck at Kids’ Cove to now serving as a Lead DSP providing services for this year’s Rainbows’ Summer Services Program.  “Before this job, I had no previous experience working […]

Bringing the Rainbows’ mission to life — (Copy)

Launch Sample Popup Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.”  Though the world is pretty topsy-turvy these days, to […]

Coleen Jennison, Board Member

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.”  Though the world is pretty topsy-turvy these days, to say the least, […]

Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services

“Rainbows has been with us through this journey since the day I brought Drake home,” said Ashton, Drake’s mom. “Not having them available with all the help and love they have given, I would be lost.  He has grown so much in the last three years doing things we never thought he would.”  Drake was […]

Happy Birthday Rainbows

Rainbows is celebrating another birthday today, June 8 and it is a great time to reflect on both its history and the current situation we find ourselves in. Who could have predicted Rainbows growth from a church basement with a few children to a multi-building, multi-county entity who serves hundreds of families and children every […]

Children’s Mental Health

Dealing with children’s negative behaviors and temper tantrums is a challenge for most parents. As parents we want the behavior to stop. To accomplish this, we may place a child in time out for throwing things or hitting, ignore them when they are crying, or try to explain why the behavior is wrong. These strategies […]

Jamee Funk, Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services

As a Physical Therapist with Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services, Jamee Funk normally sees between 4-7 families a day. She works with families in their homes and sometimes daycare facilities, teaching and coaching family members how to help their child in a playful manner.  During COVID-19, Rainbows continues to provide services to children with special needs and […]