Your everyday purchases help Rainbows provide services to children.
Did you know by doing your normal grocery shopping at Dillons you can help Rainbows United?
- Go to Dillons Community Rewards
- Sign in to your online account, or create a new account if you don’t have one
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page to Community Rewards
- Click on Enroll Now
- Find and select Rainbows United
A portion of your purchases will be donated to Rainbows United. The more you shop at Dillons, the more Rainbows can earn. Sign up and start shopping today, it’s that easy!
Already enrolled?
Re-enrollment is required after January 1 each year in order for Rainbows to continue to benefit from the Dillons community rewards program. Make sure you re-enroll to continue helping children with special needs when you shop. Thank you for your support!