Harrison “Harry”

Case Managers Help Keep Families Safe

Having a Targeted Case Manager has made all the difference for Harry and his family. “Our TCM is the first person we think of when things go wrong,” said Laura, his mom. “Noemi is compassionate, resourceful and helps anchor us in times of uncertainty and crisis.” She is quick to point out Noemi doesn’t always have the answer immediately, but that doesn’t stop her from digging in and finding solutions to any situation.

Recently the downstairs utility room became a safety hazard for Harry. His curiosity and fascination with the room and its contents was a big draw for him. One incident led to a flooded basement and increased anxiety for Harry’s safety. When Noemi learned of the challenge, she began brainstorming with the family and others. Her curiosity and desire to lighten the load for the family led to a locking door installation on the utility room keeping everyone, including Harry, safe.

“Her ability to take on any situation and bring ideas to the solution are a breath of fresh air,” said Harry’s Aunt Brielle, who lives with and helps the family. “So many people say “No” or “It can’t be done”, but that doesn’t happen with Noemi. She carries our story with her, looks for options, cuts out distractions, and connects us to resources we didn’t even know existed. This allows our busy family to be successful.”

Harry is verbal but doesn’t speak. Noemi helped secure an iPad to help him communicate with others using pictures. “He’s learning to use the iPad to tell us what he needs,” said Laura. “Being able to share without frustration is great for everyone.”

Harry received early intervention services from Rainbows’ therapist Rebecca when he was born. “He has always been skeptical of new people, but Rebecca won him over and we all looked forward to her visits,” said Laura. “She would work on speech and mobility, while he enjoyed the one-on-one playtime. He learned to walk with her help.”

The third child in the family, Harry was diagnosed with failure to thrive, has seizures, and a pulmonary condition. He still gets sick easily and it takes longer for him to recover. A sweet, smiley 8-year-old, he loves to explore the backyard and spend time outside.

“Having a TCM who knows our family and isn’t afraid to try new solutions to meet unique needs has been a game-changer for our family,” said Laura. “The partnership is transformative. Harry and our family would not be where we are now, without Noemi’s TCM support. Thank you, Rainbows!”