
She dreams of being a nurse.

Megan was born prematurely, three months later she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. For the 15 years since then, she has been receiving services through Rainbows, starting with in home Infant/Toddler Services and then moving to center based services, like Latch Key and Camp Woodchuck. During this time, she has also been diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type One, short stature, Epilepsy, and lactose intolerance. Her father says, “Rainbows has benefited Megan immensely. There have been many benefits over the years, but the biggest benefit recently has been improvements in her social skills.”

A joy to have at Camp, Megan is often laughing and helping around the room. She likes to be involved with putting up the buddy list and schedule for the next day. She says that her favorite camp staff is Dani, because she is studying to be a nurse. Megan would also like to be a nurse and likes to run around in scrubs. She even got to borrow an empty IV bag and stand from the camp nurse for a while to take care of her teddy bear patient. This year, Megan will be a sophomore in high school.