
"The Boss"

Michael’s parents call him “The Boss.”

Although 11-year-old Michael is wheelchair-bound and non-verbal, he has strong communication skills. Whether the family is choosing a movie or deciding to go for a walk, Michael usually has the most influential opinion. (His joyful attitude has certainly softened the hearts of his parents.)

Michael was diagnosed with cerebral palsy after suffering severe brain damage at birth. He needs help with his basic daily tasks, but that hasn’t hindered him on his way to becoming a funny and awe-inspiring young man.

A Rainbows kid since birth, Michael currently receives Targeted Case Management services. His case manager, Vanessa, helps the family fill out tedious paperwork – recently writing a grant that provided funds for the family to modify their van.  This support helps ensure Michael’s continued health and happiness.

Michael is a true inspiration to those around him as he continues to dream and grow. This past summer, Michael even went boating on Table Rock Lake – something his mother never thought she would see him do. Michael is a wonderful example to all of us – we shouldn’t let anything get in the way of reaching our dreams!