
A Rainbows' boy that is never short on love.

Two and a half year old Noah was diagnosed a year ago with Global Developmental Delay, which affects his speech. Since then, he has received services from Rainbows. “He has struggled with communicating, but he is never short on love,” said his mom Jennifer. “He impacts everyone’s lives he touches.” Noah receives Early Intervention Services through Butler County to not only help with his speech, but also with his social skills. “Everyone at Bright Beginnings is so caring!” said Jennifer.

Noah’s life has been impacted immensely by Rainbows and Kara, his Occupational Therapist. “My husband is a teacher, but dealing with a young child with a disability was very new for both of us,” said Jennifer.  Kara helped Noah’s family with suggestions and also by assuring them them that they are not alone in this journey. “Kara is always willing to give us ideas on how we can help Noah, even when I send her a late night text message after work,” Jennifer said.  “She even took the time to find a weighted blanket for him at an affordable price.” Recently, Noah’s family had questions about the possibility of autism. “Kara was very willing to give me feedback and information on what the next steps were,” said Jennifer.

Noah has improved since receiving Rainbows services. Initially his family saw the most improvement with his social skills. “It took until recently for him to begin talking and he has continued to improve ever since!” said Jennifer. “Not only are we excited about every small step he makes, but Kara is thrilled too!”

“I encourage all parents with children needing help to seek out Rainbows,” Jennifer said. “I also encourage them to be patient because progress won’t happen overnight, but is worth it once it finally starts happening.”