The Belt family has two children that have received speech therapy services through Rainbows Butler County Infant Toddler Services. Virgil Belt is three years old, and Marie Belt is just over a year and a half old. When Virgil was first assessed, he qualified for overall global developmental delay. Soon after his mother, Britney, gave birth to Marie. She became concerned about Marie’s feet, which led to an evaluation. Marie’s feet were developing typically, but she was a little behind on talking, and this qualified her for Rainbows services.
Virgil had difficulty talking when Britney first contacted Rainbows. Since then, he has been working on making sounds, imitating words, using sign language, following directions, and understanding spoken language. As Virgil got older, he has also expressed very strong behaviors, picky eating, and sleep concerns. This gave him the opportunity to receive behavioral health services from a Mental Health Specialist. Now, Virgil is using sign language more often and words to communicate what he wants. He is also sleeping better, trying new foods, and not having as many behaviors.
Marie is very quiet but has started to pick up on the many signs that her brother is using and has started to use them too. According to Virgil and Marie’s therapist, Tiffany Owens, “her personality is showing now at Head Start by playing next to other kids her age and engaging with them.” Marie is also starting to say new words. She loves books and is happy to point out pictures when she is asked. Tiffany will continue to work with Marie on communicating her wants and needs through her words and signs.
Virgil and Marie are the only children in the Belt family, and their parents like watching them become more independent. Britney shared, “Rainbows staff is awesome, and truly help with the kids.” The Belt’s like to spend their free time going to the park or swimming. While out and about, they look forward to hanging out with other families that are there. Being able to have Virgil and Marie spend time interacting with other children is helping grow the skills that they are learning.