Increasing public awareness through special events and volunteer projects.

Friends’ members foster community support for Rainbows by increasing public awareness through special events and volunteer projects that meet identified needs.
Purpose of Friends of the Heart
Friends of the Heart is made up of caring, energetic supporters who want to show active participation furthering the mission of Rainbows.
Members provide hands-on assistance to create events and projects that increase awareness of Rainbows in the community and meet day-to-day needs of the children in care. Your friendship is welcome! Please contact Lisa Capps at 316.558.3414 or for more information.
As an active member, you’ll receive the following:
- E-mail notifications and invitations to all Friends of the Heart events
- Listing as an active Friends of the Heart member on all group event invitations (excludes Fashion Passion)
- Listing as an active Friends of the Heart member in Rainbows e-newsletters, annual report, and website
- Listing, bio and photograph in the Friends of the Heart member directory
- …and Knowing your involvement and investment has made a difference in the life of a child!
Friends of the Heart Leadership Team
Questions? Let us know how we can help you be the Friend you want to be! Contact any member of the Leadership team to talk about how you can support these activities and the children of Rainbows United.