Resources we've gathered to help you grow together as a family

Adding a child to your family opens a whole new set of questions and answers. As your child grows new questions arise. Rainbows understands these needs. Our team of experts has put together some resources that we hope will ease your mind, identify helpful tips and set your family on an adventure of growing together.

Hear what parents have to say

View an informative parent video about early intervention services received through Rainbows United. Choose Parent Experience video to the right.

Tell your story

Does your child smile brighter since being in the care of a Rainbows’ professional? Does your child receive specialized care at Rainbows that you wish others could benefit from also? Do you have a Rainbows story to tell about a care giver who went to the extra mile for our child? Please let us know about your success story.

Email us a Rainbows story you’d like to tell. Your story could be used in future publications or advertising. Feel free to attach a photo as well.