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Do What You Love

Love What You Do

By Lynlea Southards, Family Support Services Program Coordinator

Each day as the Family Support Service Coordinator is unique, fun and full of learning experiences. I’m truly grateful to be a part of the Rainbows’ family. I look forward to coming to Kids’ Cove every morning. My office is located where we serve the children and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I enjoy being close to the kids and being a part of the care we provide.

The wonderful families and kids we serve provide experiences that are special and at times are full of unexpected moments. Some of the moments I cherish are the waves, smiles and greetings I get throughout the day. I have several kids that will stop by and visit each day. Their visits give me the opportunity to learn about them, what they like and see their amazing personalities. This summer I have attended the choir trips during Camp Woodchuck. Watching the unexpected moments of a child celebrating the completion of a song with a high five or fist bump with a friend, or a youth breakdancing on the floor during the performance has been wonderful. These moments make everything we do worth it!

As the Family Support Services Coordinator, I also get the opportunity to watch the interaction with the staff and children we serve. I’m overwhelmed with emotions at times when I see the passion and dedication of the staff. I have seen a staff member singing and comforting a small child who is having a difficult time in transition. I’ve watched a staff member playing tag with a child and the child laughing and chasing the staff member around the gym in their wheelchair. Both experiences are so incredibly unique and special and a small glimpse into the amazing relationship and memories that the kids and staff are developing that will last a lifetime.

The Family Support Services program touches lives every day. As the Program Coordinator it is important to me that we provide the best services possible. Through it all, the children are what inspires all of us!