Helping your child through all stages of life.

Types of Gifts Accepted
- Gift by Will or Revocable Trust
- Gift of Insurance
- Gift of Real Property or Appreciated Assets
- Gift by Will or Revocable Trust
- Gift of Insurance
- Gift of Real Property or Appreciated Assets
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CLAT);
- Charitable Remainder Uni-trust (CRUT)
- Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)
- Charitable Lead Remainder Trust
- Qualified Terminable Property Interest (QTIP) Trust
NOTE: RUCF is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advice. Legal counsel should be sought when considering planned giving arrangements.

Melissa’s Story
When Melissa was 6 months-old, she was diagnosed with microcephaly, a congenital anomaly characterized by an abnormally small head and an underdeveloped brain. She screamed and cried when touched or picked up. After moving to Wichita, doctors recommended placing her in an institution until her family learned about Rainbows.
Once connected to Rainbows, Melissa received the loving care and vital therapies she needed. The screaming stopped and was replaced with smiles.
That was 1979. Melissa passed away in 1993, but her mother, Kathy, still has the framed photo of Melissa at her Rainbows’ graduation and the handprint art made by the children in her graduating class. Upon Melissa’s passing, Kathy opened a Brokerage account with proceeds from an life insurance policy and named Rainbows as a beneficiary to receive funds after her death. The gift is an investment for families with children with special needs who need services today and in the future. “I wanted to give back to Rainbows for all the years and support they provided,” said Kathy. “It is amazing to watch the growth of the investment over the 20+ years.”
Your generous donation will help secure a future of hope for children like Melissa and her family during a time of stress and fatigue, when they need it most.
Spending Policy
Except as otherwise specifically provided in any gift instrument by any given donor, RUCF shall have a spending policy to distribute to RU, on an annual basis, a sum not to exceed six percent (6%) of the four (4) year moving average of the market values of the Fund with the value of the last measuring year being that existing at year end prior to the calendar year the most recent spending amount becomes effective.
Adopted 12/18/03.