Kristin McCleerey

“This past year, I have worked with a child who has Apraxia, a condition in which his brain knows what he wants to say but the message gets lost on the way to his mouth,” said Kristin McCleerey, Speech Language Pathologist. “When I started working with him, he was unable to articulate words. He’s made […]
Community Based Education and Training Services

Lily was 3 years old when she got connected to the Rainbows’ Community Based Education and Training Services (CBETS) program. She suffered from muscular issues and weakness. She had problems with balance and walking and would drop to her knees to pick up things. She was unable to climb the ladder of the slide, and […]
rich experiences gained through working with children

Over my nine years at Rainbows United, I have been fortunate enough to have been able to be a part of fostering the development of young children, working with some incredible staff, and learning valuable skills that will serve me as I move forward in my life and career. My role at Rainbows has changed […]