Rainbows Helps Answer All Questions

At almost 3 years old, Eden is one of the most voracious readers in Rainbows’ Early Care and Education program. Alexis Young, his teacher, notes that he loves to read. “He will sit and read books all day if you let him!” When he wants to go somewhere or when his parents come to pick […]

Is it Sensory? Or is it Behavior?

I get this question a lot as a pediatric Occupational Therapist, and most often the answer is “Yes.” Let me explain. Sensory in short, is how we take in our environment. Did you know that we have 8 senses? 5 senses are well known: Olfactory (Smell), Auditory (Sound), Gustatory (Taste), Tactile (Touch) and Visual. We […]

Midline Crossing Activities: Help Build More Successful Children

We want to our children and grandchildren to be successful, right?  What if simple daily activities could better assist us to achieve this goal?  This is exactly what we find when we do midline crossing activities. Midline crossing is simply moving a part of one’s body to the other side of the body; such as […]

Early Interventionists Recommend Toys for Ages 4 Months to 3+ Years

One of the most popular questions that an early interventionist gets asked is what toys we recommend. My typical response is, “Nothing that takes batteries!” Our team met recently to make a list to share with families, and here it is: You can introduce these toys during this time, but many babies/toddlers may want to […]

When and what should I read to my baby?

As an early interventionist, one of the questions that I hear most often is “When should I read to my baby?” Parents know that it is important to read to their children but may feel a little silly reading aloud to an infant. Reading together when your child is an infant increases the chances that […]

Family Experience is Different from Expectation

When Ka’Leina’s pediatrician recommended her family consider services through Rainbows, her mother Keljhay was skeptical. “I was stressed to think my daughter needed help beyond what I could do,” said Keljhay. “I didn’t know if I wanted people in my home. I worried I would be judged on what I wasn’t able to do for […]

Angie Grew Up at Rainbows

Leer en Español Twenty-year-old Angie was born with Down Syndrome. She attends Camp Woodchuck during the summer. Angie has enjoyed an in-home Direct Support Professional (DSP) who helps her with her daily duties, such as cleaning her room, washing her laundry, doing household chores, and preparing food. Angie’s DSP will take her out into the […]

How can we help children who are not yet talking develop language?

A child’s brain grows at its fastest rate between birth and the age of three years old. This is an opportune time to capitalize on development, and the reason early intervention programs are so impactful to those served. When discussing the development of speech and language, it is important to note that “speech” refers to […]

Free Developmental Screenings for children birth to five years old

Connecting Point is a project of the Sedgwick County Early Childhood Coordinating Council, which strives to improve the quality of early childhood services and reflect the diversity of the community. Screen for Success is provided by Wichita Public Schools and Rainbows United, Inc.- Connecting Point, and connects children and families to community resources. The screening […]

Uncertainty replaced with reassurance

“With the support of our Rainbows care team, Henry is meeting all of his developmental goals at 13 months old and is making exceptional progress,” said his dad, Alex. These are vastly different than the feelings Alex and his wife, Aubrey experienced before being discharged from the hospital with a newborn who had a skull […]