Q&A with Kayla Cary, Infant/Toddler Services

Infant/Toddler Services Overview Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services (ITS) are available for children birth to 3 years old at no cost to families.  Kayla Cary, Sedgwick County ITS Coordinator answers questions about the program and how to connect for services. How many children are served in Sedgwick County ITS? We are currently serving1046 children birth to 3 […]

Early Intervention at No Cost to Families

As the new year begins, it’s a good time to consider scheduling a developmental screening for your young child.  If you have any concerns about your infant or toddler meeting developmental milestones, making an appointment with Screen for Success is as easy as calling 316.267.3535. Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services (ITS) programs in Sedgwick, Sumner and Butler […]

Translators Available: Communication is Clear

Leer en Español Having a child with special needs is a new normal for the entire family. Juan and Sonia Martinez know this firsthand. They have two children with special needs: Uriel is 14 and Isabella is 6. Both children got connected to Rainbows’ services at an early age and received in-home Infant/Toddler Services. As […]

Stop and Smell the Roses

Having a child with special needs is no walk in the park. There’s a level of care that comes with such a life that occupies time, energy, money, and emotions. There’s the stares from strangers who want to know what’s “wrong” with your child. There’s frustrations that come with delays and grief that comes with […]

Trust Your Parent Gut

My husband and I had our first child in December of 2021. Shortly after Ellie was born, we started having concerns about feeding her. She was not able to latch to breastfeed and seemed to struggle to drink out of a bottle. We asked questions while we were at the hospital, but these were dismissed […]

Lamont honored with statewide award

Congratulations to this year’s 2023 InterHab Outstanding Youth: Lamont McIntosh. Lamont was honored Friday, October 13 at the InterHab Art and Awards event. His family and Rainbows’ supporters were there to cheer him on. We’re so proud of you! Born at 23 weeks, weighing in at 1 pound 3.5 ounces, Lamont has had an uphill […]

Family connects with Rainbows after months in NICU

Leer en español Born at 24 weeks and 5 days, Annabel and Clements’s son Matteo weighed just one pound. He spent 4 months in the hospital getting stronger and growing every day. While the family waited, over this trying time doctors frequently shared the many delays they might expect be a result of him being […]

Smart child wants to be a doctor or a friend

Khoi and his twin sister Khamoi graduated from Rainbows’ Pre-Kindergarten program in May. “Khoi is an amazing child that will make a difference one day with his smile and laugh alone,” said Rickeyia, the twins’ mother. “He loves interacting with people and forming a genuine connection and has an infectious spirit. Khoi always tells me […]

At Camp, Gavin Thrives in His Own Skin

Gavin was born a Micro-premie at 24 weeks and 4 days, weighing only 1 pound 6 ounces. He spent his first 4 ½ months in the NICU, on a ventilator for 2 ½ of those months. He was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, Baraitser-Winter syndrome ACTG 1, which affects his heart, kidneys, eyes, ears, […]

3 Reasons to Call Rainbows

As someone who has worked at Rainbows for 30 years, I can say the number 1 reason parents call Rainbows is because their child is not developing like other children their age or like other siblings in the family. 2. Maybe the parent is a first-time parent and is not aware of what developmental milestones […]