United We Fight. United We Win.

Thank You United Way of the Plains

In August, Loaned Executives from United Way of the Plains spent time at Rainbows learning about our programs and services. Prior to the United Way Campaign, Loaned Executives spend time at United Way funded agencies to experience firsthand the important work agencies provide to our community. 

Rainbows receives funding from the United Way of the Plains to support three programs; Quality Specialized Childcare, Developmental Assessments and Evaluations, and Targeted Case Management. Loaned Executives toured Kids’ Point where they met children impacted by these programs and spent time volunteering in a classroom.       

Rainbows is a gracious recipient of United Way funds. Support from the United Way of the Plains allows Rainbows to link vulnerable children in our community to progress that changes the course of their lives forever. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the staff, and the 3,200 children and families of Rainbows United, thank you for your dedicated support and partnership.