Discover the ways you can help meet the needs of children and families in our community.

Here at Rainbows, we see every child as a masterpiece waiting to be revealed. But, treasured works of art don’t just happen on their own—they take time, resources and talent. That’s where you come in!

If you have a passion for fostering potential and finding beauty within, we’d love to find a place for you. You can support our community’s children with special needs and their families in many ways. We offer various volunteer opportunities, both one-time and long-term, for individuals and groups. If you’re unsure where to start, our Community Outreach team is happy to help.

“I’ve come to love my time at Rainbows. I’ll see a smile from one of the children, or hear a parent say ‘thank you.’ And I realize what I’m doing is the easy part.” – Volunteer

Individual Volunteers

Individual volunteers can choose from a wide variety of options. Rainbows has many needs in the classroom, outdoors and around the office. There are often special projects that also require volunteers. 

To volunteer for general positions at Kids’ Cove or Kids’ Point locations please fill out our Volunteer Application

Group Volunteers

Volunteer groups support Rainbows through work projects (cleaning, gardening, building), classroom activities (games, art, mentoring), and special events (field day, dance, fundraiser). Projects are matched based on participant age, availability, and agency needs.

Contact our Community Outreach Specialist to discuss current opportunities and customize a fit for your group.

Open your home and change a life.

Become a Specialized Foster Care Home and provide a child with special needs the stability, care, and support they deserve.

Helpful Links

Find us on:


General Volunteer Opportunities

Contact our Community Outreach Team

Melanie Addington
Community Outreach Specialist

Become a Volunteer

If you have a passion for fostering potential and finding beauty within, we’d love to find a place for you.

A Special Note for Students

If you are seeking a practicum or internship requiring the evaluation of a supervising professional please contact Lindsay Kral, Vice President of Programs and Services, at lkral@rui.org. Include your class requirements and area of study with the subject line “student practicum” in this important communication. Any student requiring less than 10 observation hours, may contact Michelle Croomes at mcroomes@rui.org or 316.267.5437 to make arrangements.

Volunteer Stories

Rob Ralston

“As long as I can remember, I’ve held a soft spot in my heart for individuals with special needs,” said

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Mary Ellis

Volunteering at Rainbows impacts not only the children with special needs and their families, but it also changes the life

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