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Commitment to Rainbows' Annual Campaign

Letter from the President

Rainbows United does a direct mail Campaign twice a year – Fall and Spring. A letter should be landing in your mailbox soon. It is one of the ways we can share the great stories about the children and families we serve. 

The Fall Campaign Letter focuses on two-year-old Mathew and his parents Kayla and Alex. They, like so many of us, anticipated the birth of their baby boy with hopes and dreams. Matthew was born early but it seemed things were on track with him until certain skills did not develop, like standing, crawling and use of words. It was Matthew’s doctor who recommended Rainbows to the family. Now an Occupational Therapist visits the family home regularly to work with Matthew and his parents. After the first six months of services, Matthew began progressing and continues to do so.

In the Fall Campaign letter, you will also see Jude who loves Camp Woodchuck; Marshall who is receiving services through Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services; darling Reyna who was born with Down syndrome; and Isaac who just graduated from high school at age 18 after being connected to Rainbows since he was a baby. It is such a privilege to help children and families thrive. 

I hope you will take a minute to read the Campaign mailer when you receive it. Of our $1.2 million annual goal for fundraising, the two Campaign mailings make up $90,000. We need everyone’s support in helping us reach that goal in order to continue quality services to more than 3,200 children with special needs and their families. 

Deb Voth, President