Rainbows recently mailed the second letter of our Annual Campaign for Fiscal Year 2016. The goal for this year’s Campaign is $125,000 which is a little over 12% of Rainbows’ annual fundraising goal of $1,005,000. We are closer than ever to meeting this major goal. Did you know that, according to National Center for Charitable Statistics, the largest source of charitable giving comes from individuals? In 2014, $258.51 billion or 72% of total giving came from individuals. Foundations gave $53.97 billion or 15%; bequests made up 8% of the giving totaling $28.13 billion; and corporations gave $17.77 billion or 5% in 2014. I used to think that my gift was insignificant to the larger gifts of corporations or foundations. While the individual gift may be smaller, when wrapped up with many other individuals, we can make an impressive impact collectively. No gift is too small.
The Membership Campaign material features Beckett and his family. Beckett’s story is one that is representative of so many others served by Rainbows. Beckett’s mother Mandy credits Beth Speech-Language Therapist at Rainbows for his speech improvements and facial muscle strength development. Mandy also credits Beth for helping Mandy navigate a complex process of finally obtaining the correct diagnosis for Beckett. Beth is there to encourage not only Beckett but his mother as well. For more on Beckett, you can go to Rainbows website at There is also a link to a video of Beckett playing and laughing with his family https://www.youtube.com/watchv=IuOSd7upRbs&feature=youtu.be. For Rainbows’ children and families, Deb Voth, President