Personal Experience Inspires DSP

Kara Collier, Direct Support Professional (DSP), was inspired to support youth with special needs because of her own experience with diagnoses of Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia in the 4th grade. “The hardships of school, social life, and home life were debilitating at times,” said Kara. “But the people who were there […]

3 Reasons to Call Rainbows

As someone who has worked at Rainbows for 30 years, I can say the number 1 reason parents call Rainbows is because their child is not developing like other children their age or like other siblings in the family. 2. Maybe the parent is a first-time parent and is not aware of what developmental milestones […]

Camp Experience Leads to Career

Crystal Arrington, Family Support Service Program Assistant Coordinator, has always had a passion for working with kids, and when she lost her dad unexpectedly in March of 2017, she mentioned to Rainbows’ Family Support Service Program Coordinator Tiffany Graf that she needed to find a summer job to keep her busy. Tiffany told her about […]

Shake, Rattle and Roll!

Camp Woodchuck, Rainbows’ summer camp for school-aged children with special needs, is in full swing! After three summers of in-home Camp due to Covid-19, we are excited to be back at Kids’ Cove! Camp is important to Rainbows’ youth and their families. “It means a lot to me that Carlos has a regular kid plan,” […]

Growing Up At Camp Woodchuck

When her newborn son Carlos was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, Ana cried for 4 months. Her husband, Othon had been in an accident and was unable to work and she was completely overwhelmed. “I cried every day,” she said. “I kept asking, Why Me? Then I said to myself, Carlos is here, and I have […]

Is this just a stage?

Raising a child can be challenging.  Even under the best circumstances, their behaviors and emotions can change frequently and rapidly. All children are sad, anxious, irritable, or aggressive at times, or they can occasionally find it challenging to sit still, pay attention, or interact with others. In most cases, they are just typical developmental phases. […]

Festive and Bittersweet

Who doesn’t love a taco?! The graduating class of 2023 at Rainbows United helped us to celebrate all things taco and festive (including sombreros, taco pinatas and churro bars) with “Taco ‘bout a Future” as this year’s theme. We had hoped to have the ceremony outside as in years past, but the Kansas weather did […]

Tribe Helps Shape Littles

Five-year-old Baylor has graduated from Rainbows’ Pre-Kindergarten Program! Baylor started with Rainbows in the infant room and has grown up with Rainbows. “It’s extremely difficult dropping off your precious little one with “strangers” for the day,” said Stacy, Baylor’s mother. “I struggled. But so quickly, those “strangers” become your support system, your tribe in shaping […]

Pre-K Teacher Shares Love of Music With Children

When MacKenzie Tilma, Lead Teacher, is in the classroom, you are likely to hear the happy notes of…A UKELELE?  “I always like when the children get excited when I bring my ukulele to play songs for them,” said MacKenzie. “They are always suggesting songs I need to learn to play. We keep multiple toy ukuleles […]

Don’t Worry, Call Rainbows!

Leer en Español May is Better Speech and Hearing Month, and as a speech language pathologist with Rainbows United, I am so excited to share my mantra with you: Don’t worry, Call Rainbows! This is what I say to parents who approach me and tell me they are worried about their child’s speech development. “Does […]