Perspective, Self-Confidence, Purpose

Volunteering is at the heart of our communities and is a driving force for positive change worldwide. It is a great way to make a difference in the lives of others, plus you’ll discover some pretty amazing benefits in your own life while you’re at it! Volunteers play a key role in the success of […]

Butler County Infant/Toddler Services

Reprinted from the Butler County Times Gazette, By Times Gazette Staff Augusta—When COVID-19 hit in March, followed shortly by stay-at-home orders, little Natalie Lind’s need for help to develop was in full swing.  Born six weeks premature, she had found a way to walk just before Christmas after months of work with the help of her […]


Written by Kyla Kuss, AmeriCorps VISTA When I came across the opening in Rainbows United Research Department with AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), I knew it was something I wanted to do. Helping kids while working with details and data was exactly what I was looking for. However, I did not apply right […]

Mouth Breathing May Contribute To Developmental Delays

Could mouth breathing contribute to developmental delays?The short answer? Yes, it is possible. As you are reading this, pause, now observe where your tongue and lips are at rest.  Is your mouth open or closed?  Does your tongue rest between your teeth?  Is it on the floor or the roof of the mouth? Are your […]

10:15+ Club

Every year Rainbows sets aside a day to honor staff members who have dedicated 10 or more years to making a difference in the lives of Rainbows’ children with special needs and their families. This year the 10:15+ Club celebration will be a virtual event for most of the 60 Club members who will congratulate […]

We Feel Extremely Lucky and Grateful

Landon, age 3, and his one-year-old sister Hollie both attend Rainbows’ Early Education and Child Care Center full time Monday through Friday.  Their parents, Ben and Jamie, are very grateful that Landon and Hollie have been able to continue child care at Rainbows during the COVID-19 pandemic.  “Ben and I both continued to work full […]

Specialized Foster Care

The Specialized Foster Care program at Rainbows is small, but it serves an important role in serving a special population of Kansas children. Historically, most states struggle when it comes to finding foster families who are willing to accept into their homes children with significant needs due to their IDD diagnosis. Rainbows has been committed […]

Children’s Mental Health

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) are potentially traumatic events experienced in childhood. Experiencing traumatic events in childhood is linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (“Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences”, 2019), about 61% of adults report experiencing at least one type of […]

If your child has a developmental delay, do not be embarrassed about it.

“The day Ryan took his first few steps (January 8, 2019) we cried the happiest, ugliest tears and thank goodness for technology because we could film it and practically sent it to everyone in our contacts list,” said Allison, Ryan’s mom. “We were so proud to send it to Jamee knowing how hard Ryan had […]