Twins Defy Odds and Flourish

On January 7th, 2021, twins Silas and Adeline came into the world via an emergency c-section. Born at only 22 weeks, 6 days gestation, doctors gave them an 8% chance of survival, weighing only one pound each. Parents, Eric and Kim, were warned of the potential for stillbirth, developmental delays, cerebral palsy, and generally a […]

How to Care for Little Feet

I love baby feet, they are so cute and chubby. Sadly, as adults our feet usually aren’t quite as cute, but that is a story for another day. Today, let’s learn about young feet and how to best care for them. Baby feet are much different than adult feet and deserve some consideration as they […]

Q&A with Kayla Cary, Infant/Toddler Services

Infant/Toddler Services Overview Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services (ITS) are available for children birth to 3 years old at no cost to families.  Kayla Cary, Sedgwick County ITS Coordinator answers questions about the program and how to connect for services. How many children are served in Sedgwick County ITS? We are currently serving1046 children birth to 3 […]

Why Should Your Company Volunteer

A Journal of Happiness study found that volunteering can positively impact physical and mental health, alleviate stress, and experience increased life satisfaction. In other words, people who volunteer are happier. Employees who participate in volunteerism benefit from higher morale and an increase in overall happiness. We strive to make volunteering at Rainbows a positive, happy […]

Early Intervention at No Cost to Families

As the new year begins, it’s a good time to consider scheduling a developmental screening for your young child.  If you have any concerns about your infant or toddler meeting developmental milestones, making an appointment with Screen for Success is as easy as calling 316.267.3535. Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services (ITS) programs in Sedgwick, Sumner and Butler […]

From Receiving to Giving Services

An educator for Goddard School District for more than 18 years, Amie Ozbun came to Rainbows with experience working with children with special needs. She and her family also received services when their daughters were first born. “Rainbows has a special place in my heart,” said Amie. “The therapist who came to our home when […]

Sensory Holiday Activities Delight Children

The holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate and incorporate the sights, sounds, tastes, and textures of the season into the children’s many activities. In the ABA program classroom, the sensory table is one of the favorite centers.  Turning the table into a holiday sensory table, complete with tinsel, jingle bells and tiny, textured Christmas […]

Alice Boutz Honored With Prism Award

The Prism Award was established in 2013 to recognize an outstanding staff member who demonstrates excellence in many of Rainbows’ Guiding Principles; is an example in the role they fulfill for Rainbows; demonstrates leadership; makes children and families their highest priority; and represents Rainbows in a way that reflects positively on the entire organization. The […]

Patient Adults=Happier Children

Patience is a very important part of our daily lives as we work with children and families; especially for those of us who work with children in classrooms. Sometimes it’s not easy, but we must remember to always slow down. Moving too fast through an activity or through a transition will not help but instead […]

The Naughty List Negatives

I am not ashamed to say that I love Santa. The magic that Santa brings to the holiday season for kids is unmatched. I even did a research-based persuasive speech in college about the benefits of believing in Santa Claus for kids. As I’ve become a parent and a mental health specialist, I’ve become more […]