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Calendar of Possibilities

Make an Impact in 2019

Happy New Year!  I have always enjoyed the feeling of starting a fresh calendar in the New Year. I love the feeling of opening the calendar to the blank pages of possibilities. I mean, I really love looking at the crisp white paper, the open space available within each date to fill with activities, important reminders, birthdays, trips, special anniversaries, and on and on. Of course, I also fill my calendar with the endless activities of my kids because let’s face it, if I don’t write it all out we will miss an important school function, choir performance, basketball game or birthday party. 

I usually start my new calendar by adding birthdays and special events, writing them ever so nicely at the bottom of each date with a fine point black pen. Then, I add in all the school related functions to the calendar in red, making sure to BOLD and ITALICIZE all “NO SCHOOL” days. By this time, my new calendar still looks organized, has well placed color coded reminders in each month and each date still has beautiful white space. It looks clean, crisp, organized and refreshing!

Next comes the special activities, color coded by each child, which vary in schedule by week or month. Baseball tournaments, travel plans, games, summer camp field trips. And practice. Don’t forget the practice schedule for each activity. By now, my fresh, crisp calendar is almost full and the beautiful patterns of color have now become a hot mess! 

The blank pages of possibility are gone. The feeling of opportunity, wonder, and desire to make an impact in the coming year have faded….how could I possibly add another item to the calendar?

This year, I encourage you to start your calendar with the things you genuinely care about. Your passions, interests and the areas where you want to make the greatest impact. Start your calendar with the things that feed your soul and re-energize your spirit. I find great value in giving to Rainbows’ fundraising campaign because I truly believe in the quality of services we provide for children with special needs and their families.

I was inspired by the story featured in Rainbows’ Annual Campaign of Alex and Kayla and their desire to be the best parents possible for their baby Matthew. Gifts to Rainbows’ Annual Campaign help families get the training they need to support their children as they learn and grow. I invest in Rainbows because I know my donation makes an impact. 

So, forget the hot mess of color coded madness. Focus your new calendar on your interests and passions allowing you to see the abundant possibilities of the New Year!

-Angela Kessler, Vice President of Development