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A Gratitude List

President’s Letter

In this time of year where many of us feel like we are running trying to keep up with what has to get done at work, with family, in preparing for the holidays and trying to find the right gifts. I am making one list after another to keep track of my tasks. One of the lists is more important than the others, though. It is a Gratitude List. I do think it is important to take time to be grateful for people and things in our lives rather than what we do not have or think we need. 

So here is my Gratitude List:

1)  Grateful for working in a field that I am passionate about, doing work that matters, and providing me a meaningful career.

2)  Grateful for my family who brings me much joy and reflection on our lives.

3)  Grateful for families who trust Rainbows in serving their children – most of the time in their own homes.

4)  Grateful for a staff of skilled individuals who are committed to the services they provide.

5)  Grateful for volunteers who give of their time and resources to support Rainbows’ Mission. In FY 2018, 7,987 hours were given!

6)  Grateful for staff who volunteer. At many of our events, almost half of the volunteers are staff.

7)  Grateful for an engaged Board of Directors whose generosity and service amaze me every day.

8)  Grateful for a community who is mindful of the needs of so many and collectively wants to create opportunities for those who are left out.

9)  Grateful for the many donors’ philanthropic spirit that has kept Rainbows’ Mission alive for more than 46 years and counting.

10) Grateful for the grace and acceptance of others who embrace each individual as a valuable gift.