1 out of 5 Americans will need mental health services in their lifetime.

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. During this month we bring awareness that 1 out of 5 Americans will need mental health services in their lifetime. In the 2015 fiscal year, Rainbows’ Mental Health Department served 483 children ages 0-5. Rainbows’ Mental Health professionals assist in smoothing rough edges and mending torn bonds by enhancing the social, emotional, and behavioral development of young children to create happy homes and child care classrooms.  Rainbows provides a variety of mental health services at Rainbows’ sites, in the family home, and in the community. Most of the children served by the Mental Health Department at Rainbows are seen for behavioral issues. Services are provided by licensed mental health professionals including: mental health screenings and assessments, social and emotional education and support, parenting support, early childhood classroom support, trainings, consultations, and referrals.  Rainbows’ Mental Health team partners with community agencies such as COMCARE of Sedgwick County, Kansas Children’s Service League, Child Start and many others to provide a continuum of care that ensures children and families have access to appropriate mental health services they require. For more information about the Mental Health Services offered at Rainbows, you can contact Audra Kenneson, Mental Health Coordinator, at 316.558.3420 or akenneson@rui.org.