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Talented, passionate individuals making a difference in a child's life.

October is Nonprofit Career Month

Today marks the first day of October. For most, that means preparing for the spookiest day of the year, Halloween. That entails carving pumpkins, planning costumes, preparing for parties, and other fun activities. For Rainbows, October also brings a special celebration: Nonprofit Career Month.

Throughout the month of October Rainbows will be highlighting the fabulous individuals that make what we do possible. The first two weeks will spotlight service milestones. We will kick off week one with the staff member who has been at Rainbows the longest and work our way down to someone who has given their first year to helping children. Week three will be all about the Mentals! Rainbows employees a talented group of women that make up our Mental Health Professionals.

At our Kids’ Point location, we house childcare for children ages 2 weeks to five years. They sing, they dance, and some of them grow plants! Week four will showcase our lead teaching staff. The last week of October will feature leadership. In week five learn why Rainbows’ founder Linda Weir-Enegren as well as our president, Deb Voth chose to enter in to the Nonprofit World and serve children with special needs and their families. Rainbows proudly employs a wide range of talented, passionate individuals looking to make a difference for the children and families we serve. Check in with us on social media throughout the month of October to celebrate Nonprofit Career Month! IMG_4308     IMG_4561