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A fun family atmosphere where everyone can play.

The Walnut River Festival

The Walnut River Festival is an annual event held in El Dorado, Saturday, September 27 it celebrated 23 years. Since the festival is geared toward children, it gives a fun family atmosphere where families from the area come to enjoy the day. The streets are lined with various booths offering crafts or games. The weather was perfect for the day’s festivities which began with a 5K run followed by the many activities on Main Street. Rainbows had the privilege of hosting a craft brainstormed by the Butler County Infant/Toddler Services Bright Beginnings therapists. The craft consisted of a Rainbow with circles for the many colored dot markers (like a bingo dobber). Once completed the rainbow was attached to a band that created a fun Rainbow hat. “We loved being able to interact with the children at the Walnut River Festival,” said Carol Giblin, AmeriCorps VISTA at Rainbows. “It was awesome to see the many hats in the crowd.”

The festive colors and creative minds gave each hat a unique look. There were no two matching hats made at the Rainbows table. Throughout the day many people stopped by the Rainbows’ booth to participate in the craft or watch their children create, one woman in particular came to see us for another reason. She told us that she appreciated the great work Rainbows does and thanked us for being a part of it.

Seeing the impact Rainbows has in the community is the reason we do what we do. 10665101_10152370629458309_3143258715793696355_n     10711089_10152370626698309_1392892523342402672_n