A Walk Down the Aisle

Rainbows’ Early Intervention Services

A cutie with a big smile and a lot of curly hair, Kaia steals hearts everywhere she goes. Born right on time, Kaia was diagnosed at 6 months with Hydrocephalus, a condition in which excess fluid builds up in the brain and causes pressure in the head.  “Fluid on her brain made her uncomfortable and she hasn’t felt good for much of her life so far,” said Jayne her mother. “She’s been through 8 surgeries in her first year and is finally able to focus on getting mobile.”

Jayne and Kaia got connected to Rainbows when she was 8 months old through a friend who thought Rainbows would be a good fit for Kaia’s needs. Their Primary Coach, Linda Cathey, Physical Therapy Assistant, works with Kaia on crawling, standing and building her language skills. “Now that Kaia isn’t in pain, we are able to help her catch up on developmental milestones like walking and talking,” said Linda. “Her mom has been a huge advocate in getting Kaia the help that she needs and helping Kaia progress in her skills. Kaia has a giant sized personality.  She can be hilarious, sassy, sweet, loving – all in the space of a few minutes.  She definitely doesn’t let her medical problems get in her way.”

Jayne is excited for Kaia to walk down the aisle with her when she gets married in a few months, “It will be wonderful to see Kaia up and moving just like other children her age,” said Jayne. “Even if she has a walker to help her get down the aisle, I’m pretty sure she will steal the show.”