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My First Rainbows Run

Rainbows Run 2019

By Jenn Metzger, Special Events Coordinator

When I joined the Rainbows team mid-March, planning for the 8th Annual Rainbows Run had already started. The great news was, although Rainbows was short a special events coordinator, they had an excellent team in place and had already spent several years fine tuning the process. I jumped into my role eager to utilize my skills and expertise as a seasoned event coordinator the first week into my position!

Rainbows staff had just wrapped up a spectacular 44th Blarney Breakfast and it was time to focus full throttle on the Rainbows Run with less than six weeks to go. The first thing I noticed while planning the event was how organized and fluid everyone was. With Rainbows’ strong foundation in place for event planning I was able to focus my attention on immediate and sensitive needs: sponsorships, vendors, and updates to committee members.

One of the biggest impressions I took away from the Rainbows Run was the hands on dedication and loyalty from the sponsors, vendors, volunteers, and committee members. Each first time phone call I made, establishing who I am and why I called, they were ready and waiting! I was prepared to convince them why they should give of their time or resources; little did I expect for them to say, “About time you called!” I was blown away with the genuine care for the organization and to see its success in the Butler County community.

The actual day of the Rainbows Run went as well as the planning process. Staff and committee members had their roles defined, backup plans in place, and were armed with one of the most supportive volunteer crews I have ever had the pleasure to work alongside! Most events, I find myself micromanaging details, putting idle volunteers to work, and racing around putting out “fires” before they start. Although, we did have a few hiccups- no event is ever perfect sailing- I found myself once again amazed at how hands on and proactive the volunteers were! Seriously, it was event coordinator’s dream!

The 8th Annual Rainbows Run was the first Run|Walk I had the privilege to plan. The energy level of 225 participants, the dedication of the team, and the spirit of over 130 volunteers made my first event with Rainbows United a memorable experience in my life. Seeing how everyone came together to raise over $17,200 while sharing how Rainbows personally impacted their lives, makes the event so much more precious to me!