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Meet Emma, Targeted Case Manager

Staff Profile

Meet Emma Low, a Rainbows’ Targeted Case Manger…

“I am Emma Low, a Targeted Case Manager at Rainbows United. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Wichita State University. My goal is to eventually return to school to attain a Master’s degree in Social Work as well. 

I completed my practicum at the Salvation Army and United Methodist Open Door here in Wichita. With my practicums, I gained experience with accessing various resources and helping others with difficult situations. This is definitely something that has carried into my job as a case manager at Rainbows. We are constantly searching for new resources and services to help meet all of the children’s needs.  

I originally heard about the agency when one of my friends from college, who was working for Rainbows at the time, suggested that I apply. They knew I was studying social work and thought it would be a great opportunity for me to gain some field experience. 

I’m not sure that a ‘normal’ day exists for us in case management. In one day alone, I can attend an IEP meeting, work on updating files, contact charitable funding sources, and meet with a new family to discuss their child’s needs. One activity that is guaranteed is documentation of my work.  Otherwise, each day brings different activities and new tasks to complete! 

My favorite part of the job is being able to learn each child and their family’s story. I love to hear about their accomplishments and see them grow. I originally provided center-based and in-home care when I first started with Rainbows and now some of those same children are on my caseload. It is amazing to see how much some of them have grown and still be involved in their lives, just in a different way. 

One of my most treasured achievements occurred when I provided in-home care. I used to spend time with a boy who did not frequently communicate with words. One evening we were reading an alphabet book, and he began imitating the words I would say for each letter. After we finished the book, he was still speaking phrases. His parents said that was the most he had said in months. It made me so happy to see their reactions. 

I have many favorite memories from previously working at Rainbows’ Camp Woodchuck. I loved experiencing the excitement of all the children during those first few days of the summer. Luckily, I still get to go watch the Camp Talent Show and Fashion Show each year and reminisce on the good times I had over at Kids’ Cove!  

Rainbows has affected my personal life in so many ways. I have learned that patience is very important! I have also learned that not everything is black and white. Sometimes you have to think outside of the norm; whether I am trying to communicate with the child or even trying to help a family understand the services. These have carried over into my personal relationships as well. I also have to credit Rainbows for helping me meet my fiancé, Marcus, who is a Lead Teacher for afterschool latchkey at Kids’ Cove and Camp Woodchuck.

I love to be busy, so I rarely have free time anymore. Lately, if I am not at Rainbows I am either working at my part-time retail job or planning for my upcoming wedding. In the rare down moments, you can find me reading or spending time with family and friends. I also love walks with my dog, Avery, and cheering on Marcus at his basketball games.”