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Early Intervention Social Worker Empowers Families

I appreciate that our program is multifaceted in the sense that we are able to provide support in so many varied ways because it allows me to empower families to make the best decisions for themselves and tailor the available support to their own desires and needs. – Rainbows’ Social Worker Alison Stramel   Nurturing […]

How to Care for Little Feet

I love baby feet, they are so cute and chubby. Sadly, as adults our feet usually aren’t quite as cute, but that is a story for another day. Today, let’s learn about young feet and how to best care for them. Baby feet are much different than adult feet and deserve some consideration as they […]

3 Reasons to Call Rainbows

As someone who has worked at Rainbows for 30 years, I can say the number 1 reason parents call Rainbows is because their child is not developing like other children their age or like other siblings in the family. 2. Maybe the parent is a first-time parent and is not aware of what developmental milestones […]

6 Things To Know About Early Intervention Services

When the Rainbows’ evaluation teams share results with families, some families may be happy that there is someone who can validate their concerns, while others might be discouraged because the hope for a “typical” child took a different course than they planned. Since I am an Early Interventionist that might be working with your family, […]

We Don’t Worry About Cost, Transportation or Scheduling

When 18-month-old Theo was not meeting his developmental milestones, his doctor at El Dorado Clinic referred the family to Rainbows. “Theo started walking about 3 months after he began working with Angela Pulaski, Early Interventionist Primary Coach and Physical Therapist,” said Sarah, Theo’s mother. “His vocabulary gradually increased from one to a couple of words […]

How do you know what a baby sees?

Tiffany Owens, early childhood special education teacher and early interventionist, provides services to children ages birth to 3 years old through Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services program in Butler County. Tiffany travels throughout Butler County to work with children and families in their homes. Here she answers three of the most common questions she is asked regarding […]

Speech Therapy and Hearing Correction Impact Behavior

Twelve years ago, 2-year-old Zane was referred to Rainbows in Butler County with developmental delays, including speech delay and hearing impairment. Zane’s day care provider had just taken a class for continued education for her day care license and had learned about children’s behaviors and the causes, and she thought by watching him and paying […]

How do you know what a baby sees?

Tiffany Owens, early childhood special education teacher and early interventionist, provides services to children ages birth to 3 years old through Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services program in Butler County. Tiffany travels throughout Butler County to work with children and families in their homes. Here she answers three of the most common questions she is asked regarding […]

Helping children achieve Developmental Milestones

When young children need help walking, talking or sleeping, there is a team of skilled early childhood professionals available to help through Rainbows United, Inc. Early intervention therapists with a passion for helping families with young children listen carefully and faithfully walk alongside families to help children learn and achieve developmental milestones. Rainbows serves nearly […]

Butler County Infant/Toddler Services

Reprinted from the Butler County Times Gazette, By Times Gazette Staff Augusta—When COVID-19 hit in March, followed shortly by stay-at-home orders, little Natalie Lind’s need for help to develop was in full swing.  Born six weeks premature, she had found a way to walk just before Christmas after months of work with the help of her […]