Midline Crossing Activities: Help Build More Successful Children
We want to our children and grandchildren to be successful, right? What if simple daily activities could better assist us to achieve this goal? This is exactly what we find when we do midline crossing activities. Midline crossing is simply moving a part of one’s body to the other side of the body; such as […]
5 Techniques to Increase Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an important part of education and human development where we develop and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary for us to understand and manage emotions, establish and maintain positive relationships, make responsible decisions, feel and show empathy and set and achieve our positive goals. There are five core […]
Help! What is going on with my child’s sleep routine?
Leer en español Let’s talk about sleep. Some children sleep well from the beginning, some go through cycles of sleeping well and sleep refusal…and some never seem to sleep. Why does this happen? Babies will generally hit a sleep-regression around four months of age. Other regressions can coincide around growth spurts and meeting milestones during […]
Free Developmental Screenings for children birth to five years old
Connecting Point is a project of the Sedgwick County Early Childhood Coordinating Council, which strives to improve the quality of early childhood services and reflect the diversity of the community. Screen for Success is provided by Wichita Public Schools and Rainbows United, Inc.- Connecting Point, and connects children and families to community resources. The screening […]
Put On Your Own Safety Mask First
If you’ve ever traveled on an airplane, then you’ve heard that you must put your own safety mask on before you help others including small children. Often in the hustle and bustle of the culture we live in, we forget to “put our own mask on first” and take care of ourselves. We take care […]
Parent-Teacher Team Ensures Child’s Success
Leer en Español It is always a concern for us as parents to leave our children for the first time in a daycare. This is a very big step in the lives of our little ones. It can also fill us parents with anxiety and worry, knowing how our children are, how they will react […]
Teachers and therapists help Teddy blossom
Four-year-old Teddy’s interests are diverse, and currently include being a ninja or a snake hunter, and he is ready to take these interests and all that he’s learned at Rainbows to kindergarten. “While we’re happy to see Teddy progress, it’s sad to know he is graduating from Rainbows,” said Kaci and Nelson, Teddy’ s parents. […]
The Magic of Singing with Children
Some of my fondest memories as a kid are of singing silly songs with my dad. He would always change the words to popular songs to fit whatever activity we were doing at the moment. And together we would sometimes make up our own little jingles. There was the red light, green light song, the […]
Alice Boutz Honored With Prism Award
The Prism Award was established in 2013 to recognize an outstanding staff member who demonstrates excellence in many of Rainbows’ Guiding Principles; is an example in the role they fulfill for Rainbows; demonstrates leadership; makes children and families their highest priority; and represents Rainbows in a way that reflects positively on the entire organization. The […]
Patient Adults=Happier Children
Patience is a very important part of our daily lives as we work with children and families; especially for those of us who work with children in classrooms. Sometimes it’s not easy, but we must remember to always slow down. Moving too fast through an activity or through a transition will not help but instead […]