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Five ways to give back.

The benefits of giving back

We have all heard the expression “it is better to give than to receive.” Although not everyone may agree with that idea, giving back definitely has its advantages. Check out these benefits of giving:

  1. It benefits the community. Giving your time, talent, or treasure to an organization in your community benefits the whole system. That organization is able to provide better services because of your gift.
  2. Someone else’s life will improve. You may not see it firsthand, but your gift will have the ultimate impact of making a difference in someone’s life.
  3. It is good for your physical health. Research suggests that giving back can be linked to improving physical health and reducing stress.
  4. It helps build relationships. When you give, there is going to be an exchange between you and the organization. Organizations don’t just want your resources, they want a relationship.
  5. It is good for your emotional health. You know what this means. Anytime you do something good for someone else you get the warm fuzzies. Why? Giving back feels good.

Winston Churchill said “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Giving back makes life meaningful. When we give back, it has positive effects on not just ourselves but those around us.

Volunteering is a great way to give back! There are volunteers at Rainbows every day! Contact Sidni Garwood at to volunteer at Rainbows!