As someone who has worked at Rainbows for 30 years, I can say the number 1 reason parents call Rainbows is because their child is not developing like other children their age or like other siblings in the family. 2. Maybe the parent is a first-time parent and is not aware of what developmental milestones are, or when they usually show up in children. 3. Maybe the child has a medical condition that makes development challenging. Whatever the reason, parents want to help their child any way they can. They rely on the staff at Rainbows to provide them the information they need to make the best decisions moving forward regarding developmental services and assistance.

I have always praised parents on their decision to be proactive where their child’s development is concerned. An evaluation may indicate that the child is developing as other children their age. Yay! Or an evaluation may show the need for assistance. Yay!

Early intervention is critical in helping children make gains in their development. Research shows early intervention therapy is the best way to help children. It reduces the need for services as a child gets older and saves special education dollars. Rainbows’ services are family driven and individualized to meet the needs of each child. Services can last 6 months or several years depending on the need. How awesome is that?

Rainbows provides a variety of services to children and families in Butler, Sedgwick and Sumner counties.

Children can be served from birth to 3-years-old in their homes through Part C Infant/Toddler Services to assist with developmental delays. Mental Health Services can also be provided for children birth to 5-years-old to help with challenging behaviors in the home or community settings. Additionally, Sedgwick County services are expanded to youth up to age 21 in a variety of programs.

For more information in Butler County, call 316.320.1342.
For more information in Sumner County, call 316.295.7855.
For more information about services in Sedgwick County, call 316.945.7117.

Follow this link for Developmental Milestones for children through age 5.

By Susan Harsh, Butler County Infant/Toddler Services Coordinator