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Targeted Case Management Connects Families to Resources

Case Managers Provide Support, Education and Connection

Rainbows’ Targeted Case Management is a wonderful resource and support for the families we serve in Sedgwick and Butler counties. Currently, Rainbows has 8 dedicated case managers who serve more than 400 children and their families.

How can Targeted Case Management help my child and family? Rainbows’ case managers meet with families and develop a Person-Centered Support Plan. The PCSP provides information, goals, and supports that help the child learn and grow. The case managers also develop relationships with our community partners. They attend IEPs with families, look for resources to meet the child’s needs, and connect families to many other services that may include car seats, diapers, formula, home modifications, iPads, and medical equipment.

“When Dusty needed to upgrade his hearing aids, Targeted Case Manager Kerri Dixon reached out to Kansas Society for Children with Challenges and secured funding. “His original hearing aids were now outdated and needed to be replaced,” said Kerri. “It’s good to see Dusty aware of his surroundings and enjoying playing games with his family.”

Rainbows’ case managers offer support, education, and connection. Fourteen-year-old Uriel and his 6-year-old sister, Isabella both receive Targeted Case Management Services. Mom feels supported by Targeted Case Managers who answer many questions and are helpful in connecting the family to the resources they need to be the family they want to be. “Ms. Sandra and Ms. Noemi are our lifeline to answers and navigating the many systems of care,” said Sonia. “I appreciate that they speak Spanish so there is not a language barrier.

How do you get referred? Rainbows’ TCM services receives all referrals from the Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization and the CDDO of Butler County.

Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization

Community Developmental Disability Organization of Butler County

If TCM is a service that would benefit your child and family, please reach out to your local County Developmental Disability Organization. We look forward to providing services and support for your child and family!