Reflections of pre-kindergarten graduation

Gift of love for send off

3…2…1…Blast Off To The Future! What an exciting theme for this year’s Pre-Kindergarten graduation ceremony.  I can’t believe we got to watch robots dancing along with children – a little glimpse of the future for sure!  The 2023-2024 school year has undoubtedly been the year of the boys.  Thirteen out of the 18 graduating were boys.  And with boys comes so much play, so much energy, and so much chaos! 😊  That does not mean that our girls were holding out – they absolutely kept up like the strong young ladies they are!

The kids preformed at the ceremony like they were all meant to be on the stage.  All of them showing little bits of their own personalities even when they were united in choreography.  Remembering so many of them as babies when they began their time at Rainbows is always bittersweet, but I couldn’t be prouder of every single one of the students and how much they’ve grown and progressed. So many of our Rainbows’ staff have cared for them over the years and each has left a little mark of love on each child during their time here.  What a lovely gift to take into the big world outside.

I also really loved how the theme this year incorporated what all the children want to be when they grow up.  What a variety of interests and reasons they gave for their choices.  I have no doubt that they can make all their dreams come true, and I’m so pleased that I got to share in a little part of the journey!

By Michelle Croomes
Kids’ Point Early Care and Education Coordinator