Growing Up At Camp Woodchuck

When her newborn son Carlos was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, Ana cried for 4 months. Her husband, Othon had been in an accident and was unable to work and she was completely overwhelmed. “I cried every day,” she said. “I kept asking, Why Me? Then I said to myself, Carlos is here, and I have […]

Don’t Worry, Call Rainbows!

Leer en Español May is Better Speech and Hearing Month, and as a speech language pathologist with Rainbows United, I am so excited to share my mantra with you: Don’t worry, Call Rainbows! This is what I say to parents who approach me and tell me they are worried about their child’s speech development. “Does […]

Never Give Up

Born weighing 1 pound, 8 ounces, Theron is a former “23 Weeker” who wasn’t given much hope on making it to his first birthday. He spent 144 days in the NICU and had a total of 5 brain surgeries plus 2 eye surgeries. Theron has hydrocephalus as well as cerebral palsy. His parents, Raven and […]

6 Things To Know About Early Intervention Services

Leer en Español When the Rainbows’ evaluation teams share results with families, some families may be happy that there is someone who can validate their concerns, while others might be discouraged because the hope for a “typical” child took a different course than they planned. Since I am an Early Interventionist that might be working […]

Why Does My Child Need Another Hearing Test?

Leer en Español Ellen Quinn, Pediatric Audiologist for Rainbows’ Infant Toddler/Services (ITS), provides audiological services for children enrolled in Rainbows’ ITS program, for infants and toddlers ages 0-3 years old, living in Butler, Sedgwick and Sumner counties. As an audiologist, one of the most common questions she is asked is “Why does my child need another […]

We Learned How To Help Carter

Carter has received early intervention services through Rainbows United since he was 16 months old. Carter’s mother, Krystal contacted Rainbows because he had missed a developmental milestone for walking, and she had concerns about his communication. Carter qualified for Rainbows Infant/Toddler Services and the family set goals for him walking, vocalizing more, and making eye […]

Determined kid catches peers

Alex is a senior this year at Andover Central High School. He’s involved in soccer, bowling and mountain bike riding. His goal after high school is to go on to college and is interested in Physical Therapy. He loves spending time with his family and friends but is looking forward to going off to school. […]

Don’t Stop Dreaming

All parents have dreams for their children. When those dreams are disrupted by a diagnosis like Down Syndrome, it can be easy to stop dreaming—but Rainbows staff and organization is SO GOOD at saying: “Hey, don’t stop dreaming—just open your mind and dream a bit differently!” “Getting the Down Syndrome diagnosis AFTER birth was a […]

Unique and Wonderfully Made

“Our goal for Sophia is for her know how wonderfully made she is,” said Taylor, Sophia’s mother. Sophia has a very complex and unique medical diagnosis of unbalanced translocation of chromosomes. She has 100 extra Chromosome 7, and 6 deleted from Chromosome 9. She is the only one in medical history to have this mix […]

How do you know what a baby sees?

Tiffany Owens, early childhood special education teacher and early interventionist, provides services to children ages birth to 3 years old through Rainbows’ Infant/Toddler Services program in Butler County. Tiffany travels throughout Butler County to work with children and families in their homes. Here she answers three of the most common questions she is asked regarding […]