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TCM: How you can help them, help others

The Blarney Impact

This year marks the 42nd year of the Blarney Breakfast. This special celebration of St. Patrick’s Day is one of the oldest running in Wichita!

The Blarney Breakfast began in 1975. KAKE TV hosted a letter writing competition to decide which charity would host and receive proceeds from a St. Patrick’s Day event. Margaret Shook, a member of the Epsilon Sigma Alpha Chi Epsilon Chapter – Wichita, whose son received Rainbows’ services, wrote in and Rainbows was chosen. And, so began the 42 year tradition of Wichita’s beloved breakfast.

Currently, the Blarney Breakfast benefits Rainbows’ Targeted Case Management services, the largest provider of TCM in Kansas.  At Rainbows, we see each child as a masterpiece–a unique treasure. Through the Targeted Case Management program, our case managers act as curators, specialists trained to identify and reveal the beauty within each child.

Targeted Case Managers provide personal assistance in finding and securing the programs, services, and financial aid that Rainbows’ children and families need. These professionals support the child and family by meeting with others involved in their life, including teachers, therapists, and care providers. This helps to make certain every aspect is working in the best interest of the child.

Our case managers help families identify:

  • What they need for their child
  • What resources are available
  • How to access those services and resources
  • How to coordinate education, purchased services and natural supports

These services include respite care, on-going care, funding for durable medical equipment, diapers, medication, home needs and supplies, as well as advocacy, hands-on assistance and supportive advice from a Targeted Case Manager that will walk alongside families.

Rainbows’ TCM department currently consists of 10 highly qualified individuals who have dedicated their careers to serving families.

Vanessa Noble’s work with children began when she became a mentor through AmeriCorps. What started as a good opportunity became her calling. Vanessa became a member of the Rainbows’ family in 2002 and now works as a TCM. “I found I have a passion for helping others,” Vanessa said. Read more about Vanessa here.

“I chose the Social Work field due to my desire to help others and to make a difference,” said Kerri Dixon. This desire to help others has provided Kerri with the motivation to make a difference by working at Rainbows United for the last 13 years. Kerri tells more about her time at Rainbows here.

Lindsay Coffee first joined Rainbows’ team of Coordinators as the Family Support Services (FSS) Coordinator in 2014. Last year, Lindsay made a transition into the Targeted Case Management Coordinator position. Working at Rainbows provides Lindsay with laughter and fun on a daily basis. “I look forward to coming to work and seeing what new things each day brings,” she said. “I decided early in my education that I wanted to work with children. I enjoy seeing them grow and learn new things and try to make a positive impact on their future.” View Lindsay’s full staff profile here.

You too can make a difference – just like Vanessa, Kerri, and Lindsay – by joining us Friday, March 17, for the 42nd Annual Blarney Breakfast to benefit children with special needs! All proceeds from the Blarney Breakfast will help children and families served through TCM. Get your tickets online today!