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Why go green?

The impact of Blarney Breakfast

Four year old Noah Thornton is Autistic. Noah can have challenging behaviors and experiences sensory integration issues. Thanks to the Blarney Breakfast, Noah will receive a number of sensory items for self-calming. Among other useful tools, Noah will receive a weighted snake, Stetchyz sheets, and a Hanging Crow’s Nest. Weighted items like the snake have been shown to calm Noah by giving him deep pressure and the sheets will apply this same kind of pressure while he is in bed to help him sleep. The Hanging Crow’s Nest is a swing. This swing will wrap around Noah to calm him and limit over-stimulation. As his Case Manager, Vanessa Noble is confident that these items will help curb Noah’s behaviors. Read Noah’s full story here.

Ten-year-old Gavin McCarty is diagnosed with autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and suffers from atypical migraines.Gavin is verbal but struggles with finding words or phrases while speaking to others. With proceeds raised through Rainbows’ Blarney Breakfast, Gavin will receive an iPad. This will provide Gavin with essential tools to help him more effectively communicate with others in conversation. Read Gavin’s full story here.

Proceeds from the Blarney Breakfast will purchase these items for both Noah and Gavin along with two other Rainbows children. Money raised through the Breakfast will also benefit Rainbows’ entire Targeted Case Management program. You can make a difference by joining us on St. Patrick’s Day – Friday, March 17 – for the 42nd Annual Blarney Breakfast to benefit children with special needs. Get your tickets online today!